I focus and specialise in beauty & well being. Aesthetics, Beauty and Holistic treatments are my passion and I have in depth knowledge in this area of expertise.
As a business I have consistently used Dermalogica since 1998.
I am an Expert Renewed Status Salon and Therapist
My philosophy is to help clients with an holistic approach to achieve their skin and treatment goals by tailoring their skin and treatment journey needs and concerns. By educating about skin health and assisting with well being in all areas of the services I offer.
Where appropriate, needed and wanted, I pass on my knowledge to clients to educate about skin concerns, health, self care and mindset to achieve total Mind, Body and Wellness and connect all areas of life so that treatments are more effective in the long term.
Restore some calm into your life and don’t just come in for quick waxing – allow yourself the time and come in for some time out and self care whatever treatment you have. You deserve it, be kind to yourself. I do, so come on the journey with me
I am dedicated to ongoing and further training to update skills and knowledge.
I am qualified in an extensive range of treatments and products which mean that my customers can make an informed decision about what is right for their skin and well being.
Kelly Wilkins MGBT, C&G qualified, MLFL
I am the owner and therapist of Essential Beauty.
I qualified in Beauty Therapy City & Guilds NVQ 2 & 3, including Aromatherapy & Electrolysis in July 1998.
I keep up to date with diplomas, advanced, refresher courses and teaching. I am an advanced level Massage therapist, Hopi ear candling & electrologist. I am a Dermalogica Skin Expert Renewed status Therapist since 2012.
Originally from the Isle of Wight, I set up a mobile service on the Island, after qualifying. I then spent a number of years working mobile and then in a salon in Rickmansworth. In 2007 I opened this salon and settled in Bishops Waltham.
I am very passionate about Beauty therapy and Holistic treatments and thoroughly enjoying doing all treatments. I don’t just offer pampering treatments, I also help people with daily life problems, that find it can be quite debilitating, without my regular treatments.
Come in to the salon and I will be happy to answer your beauty or treatment questions and help you with your needs.
I look forward to meeting you.